Air Xiya is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhejiang Rifa Holding Group. It was prepared in February 2014 with the approval of CAAC Xinjiang Regional Administration, and granted the business license by the same in December of the same year. On April 22, 2015, CAAC Xinjiang Regional Administration officially issued the Certificate of Qualification for Operation and the Operation Specifications for CCAR-91 to the company, signifying that Xiya Helicopter Aviation Co., Ltd. had got the approval for CCAR-91 and officially obtained the operating qualification for general aviation and laid a solid foundation for the commercial operation of the company.
Xiya Helicopter Aviation Co., Ltd. purchased two brand new Bell 429 helicopters, the commercial helicopters manufactured by Bell Helicopter, at the price of 120 million RMB in 2013.
The company’s main businesses include some 20 general aviation businesses like onshore/offshore oil service, helicopter external load aviation, medical aid, mineral exploration aviation, air tour, business aviation, helicopter pilotage operation, aircraft escrow service, rent aviation, chartered aviation, aerial photography, midair advertisement, city fire control, air patrol, aerial seeding, aerial weeding, pest control, prairie deratization, and aerial forest protection.
In the future, the company will continue to expand the fleet and service range, based on the market demand. Through learning from global frontrunners in this industry, defining its development goals, and striving to perfect its management mechanism and operational strategy, it is our belief that it will be able to become a first-class general aviation brand with Xinjiang the pivotal point to serve the whole country.